Converting RGB to CMYK
(too old to reply)
2009-01-20 04:27:11 UTC
I'm using Vista Print's business card template which requires all submissions
in CMYK. After reading the instructions in Freehand, I'm still having a brain
fart and need someone to help me find step-by-step (Dummies Guide) to getting
my documents ready for printing.
2009-01-26 01:04:36 UTC
I assume that you are referring to colors in your swatches pallet--in the upper
right corner of this pallet there is an icon with 3 lines and a little
arrow--click on a color in your color pallet--then click on the icon--a flyout
menu will open with many choices--pick either 'make process' or 'make
CMYK'--if you can't change it this way, or if the command is grayed out--then
it is a color in some imported object (clip art perhaps?) and you need Adobe
Photoshop or a similar image editing program (GIMP is a free one
http://www.gimp.org/ ) to change the object to CMYK.
